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인당의 가치를 최대화하는 방법: 성공적인 자기계발을 위한 철학적 접근법

t2tly2a1 2024. 3. 30. 04:31

Introduction to Markdown Syntax

Markdown is a lightweight markup language with plain-text formatting syntax. It is often used to format text on websites and in various types of documentation. In this post, we will discuss the basics of using Markdown syntax to create well-formatted content.


In Markdown, you can create headers by adding the number of "#" symbols before your text. For example, "# Header 1" will create a top-level header, while "## Header 2" will create a subheader.


Markdown allows you to create both ordered and unordered lists. To create an unordered list, simply begin each item with a "*" or "-". For ordered lists, start each item with a number followed by a period.

Text Formatting

Markdown also supports basic text formatting options such as bold, italic, and strikethrough. To make text bold, use two asterisks before and after your text (bold). To italicize text, use one asterisk before and after your text (italic). To create strikethrough text, use two tildes before and after your text (strikethrough).


Markdown syntax is a simple and efficient way to format text for various purposes. By mastering the basics of Markdown, you can easily create well-organized and visually appealing content.